Granular Flows
Granular Flows
Additive manufacturing constitutes a promising production technology with potential application in a broad range of industrial areas. In this type of manufacturing process, objects are created from powder particles by adding layers of material upon one another through selectively melting particles from the powder bed. However, understanding the mechanical behavior of the powder during manufacturing as a function of material properties and particle shape is an essential pre-requisite for optimizing the production process. We develop a numerical tool for modelling the transport mechanism of powder particles during additive manufacturing based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Our numerical tool accounts for the complex geometric shape of the powder particles as well as for the dynamic boundary conditions inherent to the manufacturing process.
Achim Sack, Thorsten Pöschel Weight of an Hourglass – Theory and Experiment in Quantitative Comparison American Journal of Physics 85, 98(2017) |
Felix Verbücheln, Eric Josef Ribeiro Parteli, Thorsten Pöschel Helical inner-wall texture prevents jamming in granular pipe flows Soft Matter 11, 4295-4305(2015) |
Jonathan Kollmer, Martin Tupy, Michael Heckel, Achim Sack, Thorsten Pöschel Absence of Subharmonic Response in Vibrated Granular Systems under Microgravity Conditions Physical Review Applied 3, 024007(2015) |
Lídia Almazán, Dan Serero, Clara Salueña, Thorsten Pöschel Self-organized Shocks in the Sedimentation of a Granular Gas Physical Review E 91, 062214(2015) |
Eric Josef Ribeiro Parteli, Jochen Schmidt, Christina Blümel, Karl-Ernst Wirth, Wolfgang Peukert, Thorsten Pöschel Numerical study of the packing density of fine powders by means of the Discrete Element Method 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics – GAMM 2014, March 10-14(2014) |
Thomas Päthz, Eric Josef Ribeiro Parteli, Jasper F. Kok, Hans J. Herrmann Analytical model for flux saturation in sediment transport Physical Review E 89, 052213(2014) |
Chuan-Yu Wu, Thorsten Pöschel Micro-mechanics and dynamics of cohesive particle systems Granular Matter 15, 389-390(2013) |
Eric Josef Ribeiro Parteli Using LIGGGHTS for performing DEM simulations of particles of complex shapes with the multisphere method Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, pp. 217 – 222(2013) |
Eric Josef Ribeiro Parteli DEM simulation of particles of complex shapes using the multisphere method: Application for additive manufacturing AIP Conference Proceedings 1542, 185-188(2013) |
Thomas Pähtz, Jasper F. Kok, Eric Josef Ribeiro Parteli, Hans J. Herrmann Flux saturation length of sediment transport Physical Review Letters 111, 218002(2013) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Dietrich E. Wolf Isaac Goldhirsch: a pioneer of granular matter theory Granular Matter 14, 77(2012) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Dirk Rosenkranz, Jason Gallas Recurrent Inflation and Collapse in Horizontally Shaken Granular Materials Physical Review E 85, 031307(2012) |
Andreas Bauereiß, Eric Josef Ribeiro Parteli, Daniel Riedelbauer, Michael Stingl Numerische Simulation pulver- und strahlbasierter additiver Fertigungsprozesse Industriekolloqium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 814 – Additive Fertigung (Drummer, D.; Ed.), 117 – 130(2012) |
Javier Brey, Isaac Goldhirsch, Thorsten Pöschel Granular Gases: Beyond the Dilute Limit EPJ Special Topics 179(2009) |
Marcus Bannerman, Thomas E. Green, Paul Grassia, Leo Lue Collision statistics in sheared inelastic hard spheres Physical Review E 79, 041308(2009) |
Volker Becker, Thorsten Pöschel Hourglass of constant weight Granular Matter 10, 231-232(2008) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Nikolai Brilliantov, Arno Formella, Michael Heckel, Christof Krülle, Patric Müller, Clara Salueña, Thomas Schwager Contact of granular particles and the simulation of rapid flows using event-driven molecular dynamics European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 12, 827-870(2008) |
Thorsten Pöschel Traffic and Granular Flow’05 (Andreas Schadschneider, Thorsten Pöschel, Reinhard Kühne, Michael Schreckenberg, Dietrich E. Wolf), Springer(2007) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Clara Salueña, Thomas Schwager Scaling properties of granular materials Physical Review E 64, 011308(2001) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Clara Salueña, Thomas Schwager Can we scale granular systems? Powders and Grains 2001: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Sendai, 21-25 May 2001 (Kishino, Y.), 439-442. Rotterdam: Balkema.(2001) |
Simon Renard, Thomas Schwager, Thorsten Pöschel, Clara Salueña Vertically shaken column of spheres. Onset of fluidization European Physical Journal E 4, 233-239(2001) |
Thorsten Pöschel Dynamics of granular systems (in German) Logos, Berlin(2001) |
Volkhard Buchholtz, Jan Freund, Thorsten Pöschel Molecular dynamics of comminution in ball mills European Physical Journal B 16, 169–182(2000) |
Clara Salueña, Thorsten Pöschel Convection in horizontally shaken granular material European Physical Journal E 1, 55-59(2000) |
Volkhard Buchholtz, Jan Freund, Thorsten Pöschel Molekulardynamische Untersuchung von Zerkleinerungsprozessen in Kugelmühlen Schüttgut 6, 11-24(2000) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Stefan Luding Granular Gases Lecture Notes in Physics, 564, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2000) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Thomas Schwager, Clara Salueña Onset of fluidization in vertically shaken granular material Physical Review E 62, 1361-1367(2000) |
Clara Salueña, Thorsten Pöschel, Sergei E. Esipov Dissipative properties of vibrated granular materials Physical Review E 59, 4422-4425(1999) |
Thorsten Pöschel Dynamics of granular systems – Theory, experiments, and numerical experiments (in German) habilitation thesis, Humboldt-University Berlin(1999) |
Nikolai Brilliantov, Thorsten Pöschel Rolling friction of a viscous sphere on a hard plane Europhysics Letters 42, 511-516(1998) |
Volkhard Buchholtz, Thorsten Pöschel Interaction of a granular stream with an obstacle Granular Matter 1, 33-41(1998) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Thomas Schwager Is there a critical acceleration for the onset of convection? Physics of Dry Granular Media: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Cargese, France, September 15-26, 1997 (H. J. Herrmann and J.-P. Hovi and S. Luding) 350, 625-631. Dortrecht: Kluwer.(1998) |
Clara Salueña, Sergei E. Esipov, Thorsten Pöschel, Stephan S. Simonian Dissipative properties of granular ensembles Proceedings 3327, Smart Structures and Materials 1998: Passive Damping and Isolation, 19-26(1998) |
Tino Riethmüller, Lutz Schimansky-Geier, Dirk Rosenkranz, Thorsten Pöschel Langevin equation approach to granular flow in a narrow pipe Journal of Statistical Physics 86, 421-430(1997) |
Jason Gallas, Hans Herrmann, Thorsten Pöschel, Stefan Sokołowski Molecular dynamics simulation of size segregation in three dimensions Journal of Statistical Physics 82, 443-450(1996) |
Michael Scherer, Volkhard Buchholtz, Thorsten Pöschel, Ingo Rehberg Swirling granular matter: from rotation to reptation Physical Review E 54, R4560(R)(1996) |
Volkhard Buchholtz, Thorsten Pöschel Avalanche statistics of sand heaps Journal of Statistical Physics 84, 1373-1378(1996) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Volkhard Buchholtz Complex flow of granular material in a rotating cylinder Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 5, 1901-1905, 1907-1912 (1995) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Hans J. Herrmann Size segregation and convection Europhysics Letters 29, 123-129(1995) |
Volkhard Buchholtz, Thorsten Pöschel, Hans-Jürgen Tillemans Simulation of rotating drum experiments using non-circular particles Physica A 216, 199-212(1995) |
Thorsten Pöschel Recurrent clogging and density waves of granular material flowing through a narrow pipe Journal de Physique I France 4, 499-506(1994) |
Thorsten Pöschel Granular material flowing down an inclined chute: A molecular dynamics simulation Journal de Physique II France 3, 27-40(1993) |
Thorsten Pöschel, Harald Puhl Computer simulations of clogged pipes KFA-Intern, 24, 3-4(1993) |
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DEM simulation of particles of complex shapes using the multisphere method: application for additive manufacturing (Poster) Eric Parteli |